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You Are as Remarkable as a Rusty Lump of Iron

This is what time looks like. All of it.   Let me backtrack. 13.8 billion y ears ago, you were everything and nothing. Infinity and zero were the same number and they both equaled one.               One was the universe before there was a universe. One was the reason neither distance nor time existed. How can you measure the distance between two points when only one point exists? How can you measure the time it takes to get from Point A to Point B when there is no such thing as Point B? Without time, it is impossible to say how long you were like this. Only that it was forever. And then suddenly, there was a Big Bang and Forever turned into Now. Now was the moment that came after Infinity but before Eternity. Now was the relative position of Point A to Point B, Point C, Point D and every Point 10 to the nth power, all hurtling away from each other at astronomical speeds through the newly existent astronomy.             This astronomy became the cosmos as dista
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You Are Codependent

Metaphysics is the study of philosophy from the point of view of an ethereal hippie.   Quantum physics is the study of minutiae from the point of view of a fanatical mathematician.               And yet, even they agree, you are codependent.                The reason is because in either field all of reality is made up of the same two components: the observer and the observed.   You can’t have one without the other. Without an observer, nothing can be perceived. Without something to do the perceiving, there is nothing to observe. Exhibit A: Cat being perceived versus a cat not being perceived. Now you might suggest that you don’t need to observe something to exist, “I think therefore I am, “ right?                But what would you think about if nothing had ever existed? How would you know you existed if there was nothing to perceive, nothing to measure that existence by? No mirror. No others to interact with. Not even a body for you to occupy or language for yo

You Are a Masterpiece

Welcome to social media, where you are Pygmalion, meticulously shaping and sculpting the perfect version of you. On a professional networking site like LinkedIn (where this was first published), this masterwork is called a CV and with the right effort, yours will be so incredible that others will surely fall in love.               And if they don't fall in love? Then clearly you must have done something wrong and you will muster the strength (with a little torturous feedback from friends) to continue your efforts at perfection, striving to find the ever elusive three-word description that perfectly sums up who you are as both a human being and an indispensable professional. If only you could figure out exactly what kind of ninja you are. No, that's cliche. How about wizard? Too Harry Potter. Swordsman? Samurai? Hobbit? What sort of mythical character best sums up the way you do spreadsheets? Sound familiar?   The truth is, you are an artist. We all are, spending

You Are a Figment of Your Own Imagination

A very long time ago there was a sacred tree. This tree was called The Tree of Knowledge for it was beneath this tree that the great prophet was said to have meditated, finding within the ether the wisdom that would become the doctrines of spirituality and a oneness with nature itself.              This tree looked as ancient as the beginning of time. It had a massive trunk armored in twisting, gnarled bark. It had branches, thousands upon thousands of them, thick and muscular and seeming to reach out in every direction. Some curled upward as if holding up the sky. Others reached outward, defying gravity and extending far beyond what should have been supportable, their leaves always fluttering as if beckoning pilgrims to come hither. And come hither they did. For centuries, devotees endured impossibly harrowing journeys across treacherous plains and jagged mountains just to reach the roots of the tree. Roots that seemed an extension of the Earth itself as they knotti

You Are Everything

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You Make Tree Sounds

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? No.             In fact, technically even of someone is there it still doesn't make a sound. Sound, you see does not exist on its own. What does exist is motion, in the form of waves traveling through the air. Your eardrums, which are a thin membrane stretched like a the skin on a drum, are a biological device specifically calibrated to detect these motion waves, as long as they fall within a certain range. Your brain then takes the pattern of that wave the eardrum is now vibrating in and it translates it in a biofeedback loop with your conscious mind where you experience it as sound. Until those waves reached an ear conspiring with a brain to interpret that motion as sound, that tree made no noise at all.   Here is what that tree actually did. It converted the potential energy of it standing up into the kinetic energy of it falling down. The impact of the tree hitting an impenet

You Are Blurry

Hold your hand up about 18 inches from your face. Poke the index finger of your other hand through the air right next to that hand. Pretty darn easy, right?  Now wave your hand back-and-forth as quickly as you can. Try poking your index finger through the same spot. Chances are your hand blocks you most of the time.             Now, imagine if your hand was vibrating back-and-forth like that all the time, only 100 times faster. Or 1,000 times faster. Or 1,000,000 times faster. You would never get your finger or anything else through that point where it was once so easy to poke it through. Essentially, the exact same amount of matter in your hand would now occupy a space about three times as large as it previously did. For all intents and purposes, you would have a gigantic hand. This is what the atoms that make up your body are already doing. Consider a gigantic atom. If you were to enlarge an atom to a size big enough for the human eye to see it, the nucleus would